Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blog 2

I am quite the fan of kid movies. I'm excited for a lot of them coming out in the future. Kids movies aren't what they use to be, a lot are doing more of an adult friendly theme to them, and no I don't mean Snow White sucks off the seven dwarfes, not that kidna adult, I'm mentiong more of this type with...

Monster Vs. Aliens!

Very awesome movie. Kid friendly but lot's of adult humor. Bob the blob, pictured above, is probably the best character in the film next to of coarse Insectosaurus
The movie will keep you laughing the entire time. And if you get the chance, see the 3D version. Very very cool stuff.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Review...hopefully...

So...for those of you who might know me, I watch A LOT of movies. That's what I do. My wonderful girlfriend calls it a Hobby. I'm not sure why I do it but I do. I have done a review site before, Big B's Movie Reviews...Check those out, then read these. I'm what you call foul. I like cursing to express my inner rage for films. If you have weak stomachs or just are a parental unit of some kind, I'll apoligize now. Let's get it rolling...

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Good. Not finger licking good, but good. It made up for the third movie, which was one of the biggest pieces of shit in film existence. Two wonderful movies before it, then that abortion came out. Anyway, I liked this movie. Even though, Wolverine, didn't have much dialog in it, lot's of screams to the sky though. He did that a lot. If you are a comic book fan, see the movie. Lot's of little throw in's for fans. Deadpool was bad ass, as was gambit, they kinda twilighted him up though. Made him shiny, not the bum like state he is normally in the comic books. I was really hoping for a Magnetto cameo, it doesn't happen. Which is fine, I hear a Magnetto movie is in the works since this ruled at the box office. All in all, good movie. Lot's of action, much fun.

Now Let's get into something, not good...

The Unborn

Fuck this movie! This was not a horror film, this was a shitty rip of of the Exorcist with Jewish Themes. It was the Jewish Exorcist. Fucking Gay. They stop the evil little boy with a magical jewish goat horn. What the fuck! There we're two jumps in this whole concoction of festered shit. And they were shitty jumps. We saw this, the lady and I, in a pact and crowded theater full of pussys. Pussys. People were screaming, hunking down in their chairs afraid of a movin spool of shit! I actually hated everyone in the theater except for Shantana, because we were the only two people, in the whole fucking theater, with spines. This was not a horror movie, it wasn't even a movie, it was just liquid anger...Unborn, you get Hulk Baby!